May 9th marks National Receptionist Day, so we’re taking the opportunity to tell you all about Rachael, our receptionist here at ZenOffice!
If you’ve ever visited Zen, Rachael will have been the very first person you meet. Rachael is a good friend to everyone at Zen, is always the first to volunteer to help and has a wicked sense of humour to boot! Thank you for everything you do for Zen, Rachael.
We asked Rachael a few questions about her role as a receptionist at Zen:
What do you enjoy most about your role as reception here at ZenOffice?
No two days are ever the same!
What was your dream job as a child?
I had no idea what I wanted to do! Just kind of plodded along until I found out Tegan was on her way, then I enrolled at college for beauty therapy.
You’ve been a receptionist at Zen for over 5 years, what would you say has been a highlight during that time?
The Zen parties are always the best thing about working here! We know how to throw a good shindig. Managing to transform the dusty, damp hangar into a winter wonderland for our Christmas party was so rewarding, and watching everyone’s faces as they arrived was ace!
We know your background is in beauty therapy, do you have any quick tips for looking your best at work?
The best beauty advice I was ever given are the old favourites – plenty of water, plenty of sleep, and always remove your make-up in an evening!
Can you share any funny moments that you’ve witnessed while on reception?
People always feel the need to have a little dance at the top of the stairs, they think no one else can see them but forget there’s a camera above the reception desk! I’ve seen the running man, the funky chicken and moves I would rather not see again!